My Dear People of Gaza,
Words can't even describe what I want to say. Tears form into my eyes as I painfully put some thoughts together. My tears are of pain and humiliation of the way our fellow humans are acting to one another.
Peoples of the world are with you and pray for your safety and well being. We are so sorry that we can't do more than participate in protests and demonstrations. We are constantly thinking of you. We are using our voice to try to demand a humanitarian change, despite our religious and political beliefs.
This is not a great way to start a brand new year. Stay strong and continue to have faith. The spirit of the Palestinians never die. In fact, it strengthens. Know that although governments aren't running to your aid, that the people are angry.
History books will show this as an intolerant and tyrannical event, an embarrassment to humanity because these types of intolerance have been throughout history with different types of people. Often times, it is the oppressed being the oppressor.
We think of you oh people of Gaza. We shall do our best to put pressure on public policies and our governments to do something. We will continue to work until we see our brothers and sisters of Gaza happy.
When you bleed, we bleed. When you cry, we cry. When you are happy, we are happy. We are Gaza. We are Palestinians.
A Lover of Humanity